In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, on Data Protection (LOPD), personal data is understood as “any information concerning identified or identifiable natural persons”.

The only personal data to which Paola Ybern Ramírez will have access will be those that the user voluntarily provides through the website www.ybern.shop and in the forms hosted on it.

In compliance with current regulations, YBERN has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to maintain the level of security required in response to the personal data processed. It is also equipped with the precise mechanisms at its disposal to prevent unauthorized access as far as possible. We also inform you that in accordance with the LOPD, the data you provide us through the forms hosted on the website www.ybern.shop or through any means related to it, will become part of a file owned by Paola Ybern Ramírez (“Responsible for the File”), with address at Ronda de General Mitre 176, 8º 2ª, CP:08006 Barcelona, ​​Spain. The treatment of these files will be subject to LOPD, and its development regulations. She expressly consents to her data being used for the purpose of offering her the YBERN service, as well as to attend to her queries, and the sending of information related to the activity of YBERN.

We inform you that YBERN will not transfer your personal data to third parties, except those necessary for the provision of the YBERN service.

We also inform you that YBERN will keep you informed of its activities and promotions with third parties that it considers may be of interest to you.

The User agrees to keep the data provided to the File Manager duly updated. The owner will be responsible for the damages that YBERN or third parties may suffer as a result of the lack of veracity, inaccuracy, lack of validity and authenticity of the data provided.

Use of Cookies

While browsing through our website, we may collect information related to traffic flow as well as visiting patterns of the pages of our domain. This information will be treated through cookies.

The purpose of the use of Cookies is to improve navigation and its functionality conditions. At YBERN we comply with the provisions of the Law on Services of the Information Society, a rule that has included the transposition of Directive 2009/136/EC, known as the “Cookies Law”.

A cookie is a small text file, which is stored on your computer, tablet, mobile phone or, in short, on the device you use to browse the Internet, and which can save information regarding the frequency with which you visit the web pages. web pages, your browsing preferences, the information that interests you most, user names, register products, etc.

In our case, the cookies we use on our website do not collect information that identifies you personally.